Well hello guys! Hah. I changed my blog's look again. What do you think? Nggak suram lagi kan? Good news for you (and for me, I guess). But the bad news is this is not gonna be a long post. Awww. I'm so sorry. So many things happened these days. Mostly bad things. And I'm just rolling in my bed, hugging my blanket and pretend that it was someone I love (tjie), watching "One Day" and cried (again), trying to study but I've got no power to do that (lebay), sitting in front of my laptop for hours just to chose a better header photo for my blog, eating (not much actually), scrolling down my Twitter's timeline (boring), dan semua kegiatan nggak penting yang harusnya nggak gue lakukan. Huft...
So, just like what I said, this is just a quick post. And I have to tell you this; perpaduan antara sedih dan malas itu bener-bener nggak bagus. Seriously.
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